LeadCandy 5-year Subscription for $4,000 $249

5-year Subscription
1,000 credits / mo.
3 Users
Search for Prospects
Emails, Phone Numbers, Social Profiles
Discover Mutual Contacts
95% Email Accuracy Guarantee
Export Email Lookups as a .csv file
Deal is not stackable
Data Enrichment and Quick Email Search are not included
No refunds

What is a Credit?

1 credit = 1 email lookup
1 credit = 1 search request

What is an email lookup?

Email lookup is when you request to view email (by clicking on 'Email and Common connections' button), and email is displayed.
We charge 1 credit per email lookup. And, just in case email is not displayed, then we do not charge for it.

What is a search request?

Each page of search result that you request is a ‘search request’. If a search query has 100 pages of search results, and you request 10 pages, it is considered 10 search requests.

What if the email is incorrect?

We provide 95% email accuracy guarantee.

How do I export my contact lookups?

You can easily export your contact lookups as a .csv file. Just click on 'Contacts Viewed' tab on your dashboard - it's on top right.

What if I need additional credits?

You can either upgrade, or you can buy additional credits

How do you verify emails?

All the emails we display to users are verified against a complex server verification process. Click here to read about our verification process.

Do credits roll over each month?

No, they do not. Credits do not roll over each monthly term, so use them during the month.

When do 'Additional Credits' expire?

Additional credits expire at the end of your subscription billing period.

I have some specific questions.

We'd love to answer your questions. Please email us at sales@leadcandy.io.

Trusted by professionals from world's fastest growing organizations

We have had great success, and are continuing to see success from the purchase of LeadCandy.


Robin Milstead

Senior Enterprise Partnership Executive - ‎Work4